Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Movin' Along

Just finished moving from an office upstairs to one downstairs. I personally like the move as it gets me away from the noisy kitchen and into quiet corner. Still get a window and now I have a desk that faces toward the door so no one can sneak up on me. I just have a few more things to set up in here and then it will start to feel like home. Is it bad that I just referred to my office as home? I suppose it is where I spend 8-9 hours per day. If I split my average week day up into three 8-hour periods, I spend one of those sleeping, one at work, and one at home. This excludes driving and miscellaneous other things but this is just an estimate. So I guess my office is almost as much of a home as my actual home.

So I was just messing with my phone about 5 seconds ago trying to get the camera to work so I could take a picture of my new office (the camera on my Samsung SGH-A747 has been slowly dieing) and the thing rebooted. Not only that, when it came back up it told me I had missed my 8 PM appointment for tonight... which is actually an appointment for tomorrow. I can't wait until I am eligible for a new phone. AT&T has me listed at Sept. 27th (which is Ashleigh's birthday) and that is about a month before my wedding. I'll probably just wait until after we get back from the honeymoon to get a new one. I am looking at an iPhone since you can get a 3G for $99 but being the cheapskate that I am, I don't want to pay $30 for a data plan on a device that has WiFi. The other tempting entries are the Nokia e71x and one of the many RIM Blackberry devices. I think if I could get the Pearl 8120 it would be a done deal since that one has WiFi, but apparently AT&T only carries the 8110 for non-business customers. Either way, look for an unboxing/crappy review of whatever I get in about 2-3 months.

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