Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Uncle Fred!

Got word from my Dad yesterday that I'm officially an uncle. How weird is that? According to my sources Leo David Yingling arrived at 1:58 PM on July 28, 2009. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 0.5 ounces and 19.5 inches long.

That brings me to some weird questions. Why do they say "x inches long" instead of tall? I suppose it's because the kid isn't vertical yet, but when do you make the distinction between long and tall? Call me a noob when it comes to babies, but seriously, what gives? I'm 5'8" tall, I'm sure that if I had pondered this during my single, bar-going years I probably could have gotten a few more dates if I had just told drunk women I was 68 inches long.

Also, (in fear of sounding like Jerry Seinfeld) what's the deal with the weight thing? From my understanding they use it as some kind of measure for how healthy the baby is. That's all well and good, but here is my suggestion: let's use some kind of relative scale with things we know are heavy and can be envisioned to an approximate size.

About the size of a bread box; weighs less than a watermelon but more than my cat.

Any thoughts?


  1. You bring up some valid points, Uncle Fred.

    I like the 68 inches long thing. I think I'll start using that as a backup to "Haaaaaaave you met Dan?"! Except I would have to tell the ladies that I'm 72 inches long! Oh!

  2. I have always found the comparison to a bucket of popcorn to be most favorable
